A fellow consultant writes a blog post often with the subject of "Monday Listicles". Wendy Coffman's blog posts are always highly entertaining, and I totally relate, considering we have children near the same ages and apparently quite similar personalities.
This week's topic over at Monday Listicles is "ten photos about life with kids". I thought I'd give it a try for fun. Certainly, it will be entertaining for me to look back on later. I already miss the days of newborn and toddler-hood.
10 Photos about Life With Kids
1. Izzy doesn't look at a bracelet or headband the way other children do. She is totally gypsy-spirited. |
2. Jack took this candid picture of Izzy and I together. A bit blurry, but totally gives you an idea of Izzy's personality. |
3. This is Izzy's first-ever picture-taking experience. Awesome, right?! |
4. My life would be nothing without these 3 people in it. Love them so much. |
5. Um, do you think you should be doing that, Izzy? |
6. Jack and his cousin Micah. They are 7 months apart in age, but so alike they could be twins. |
7. I can always count on a silly pose/face from Jack. He has photo-bombed many pic's. Just sayin'. |
8. Is there anything cuter than a sleepy child? |
9. Jack has to sleep under his pillow with the fan on Mach 3 speed. |
10. This kid can hear a wrapper being opened 3 rooms away & smell chocolate outside the house. LOL |
So there you have it. Everyday life with my kids. There are the moments where a camera is the last thing I'm thinking of...they do know how to push mommy's buttons. But all I have to do is look at these pictures, and my heart melts. Oh, and speaking of chocolate: I can't keep it hid. She's 5 and knows all of my hiding spots, and probably future ones I haven't yet thought of...like a mouse, really. And my little boy? He said to me just last night, "Mama, I like it when daddy smiles. He has the nicest smile." Seriously? At 7, he can be so sensitive and sweet, but let's be honest, "can be"...as in, when he's not terrorizing his sister in a totally gleeful way, as she does the whole "King Kong" dramatic screaming. Yeah, it's like that.
Have a great day!